Affiliate Disclosure

Some, not all, posts on are reader supported. When you buy using the links, I may earn a affiliate commission. Thanks in advance for your help.

Amazon Affiliate Disclosure links to featured products via Amazon and other online retailers, including my own store. When you click on these links and purchase products, the URL automatically includes an identifier that tells the retailer you discovered the link on I, then earn a small percentage of the purchase price as a referral fee. I am not beholden to or indebted by these retailers.

Affiliate linking has become a regular process in digital publishing. The earnings from affiliate links contributes to and motivates creating relevant content. A lot of time is spent before creating and curating content in a simple and consumable format. If you object to having purchase links attributed to this website, there is a process to opt-out, outlined below, for links that direct to Amazon.

  • Right click and select “Copy Link”.
  • Paste the link into your browser. Then highlight the portion that says “?tag=nsingh00-21”.
  • Delete it.
  • Hit return/enter and continue to Amazon with the original link, stripped of the affiliate tag.